Champs Program
Champs is an intensive, after-school and summer program for children ages 5-12 who have a parent or caregiver who struggles with addiction.
The Champs Program provides children with a safe place to explore their world. A combination of alcohol and drug prevention and mental health treatment increases the children’s overall wellness and resiliency. By intervening early and intensively, we are giving them the skills and knowledge to lead better lives. They also get the chance to lay down their burdens and enjoy simply being a kid.
Champs Eligibility:
Ages 5 – 12
Ohio Medicaid eligible
Reside in Hamilton County
Have a caregiver who has struggled or currently struggles with addiction
Transportation to and from GLAD House is provided by MTM, a partner of Hamilton County Department of Jobs and Family Services. MTM will pick up your child from school to bring to GLAD House, and will transport your child home after the GLAD House program ends.
To contact GLAD House’s transportation coordinator, please call Stephanie Rohde at 513-641-5530 x101. For more information about MTM, you can visit their website here.
Hours of Operation:
School year: Monday – Thursday, 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Summer: Monday – Friday, 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM
What Champs Offers:​
Community Psychiatric Supportive Treatment: In these groups, clients participate in activities with their peers that foster healthy growth and build the tools they need to succeed in their lives.
Individual therapy: Clients meet one-on-one with a therapist for trauma-focused therapy sessions.
Case management: Our case manager works with our clients to connect them to other services and resources they need, anything from a doctor visit to new clothes to medication.
Family Therapy: Clients meet with their families and their therapist to improve communication, strengthen relationships and resolve conflicts.
Snack and meals: Upon arriving at GLAD House, clients receive a nutritious snack, later followed by a warm meal provided by Kids Café.
Alcohol and Drug Prevention: Education and activities to teach kids how to live fulfilling lives—substance free.
Summer Fun!
In the summer at GLAD House, we amp up the fun! In addition to regular services, our kids go on field trips to places like Coney Island, Green Acres, and the pool. Our goal is to connect kids with activities that they’re passionate about, showing alternatives so they learn that they don’t need drugs to have fun, active lives.
Champs Program Calendar
Find out more:
For more information, or to refer a child, please contact Kendra Browning at 513-641-5530 x114, or download our referral form here.
The form may be faxed to 513-482-7042, emailed to, or mailed to:
GLAD House
ATTN: Kendra Browning
1994 Madison Road
Cincinnati, Ohio 45208

Make a difference today!
Every donation helps us break the cycle of addiction.