Our Success
“At GLAD House, I learned that empathy in action is compassion.” – Jessie, client, age 9
“With my kids at GLAD House, I had time to focus on my recovery program. GLAD House helped my girls understand what I was going through; why I was behaving the way I was. It also helped their grades at school. Seven years later, I am still clean and sober, and the girls are doing well.” – Violet, parent
“I am not aware of any other program that provides such comprehensive service for children whose mothers are in residential treatment. The children learn self-control, how to be more attentive in school, and how to participate positively in school and community activities. GLAD House does wonderful work, and with proper funding, they could do even more.” – Margo Spence (retired), past Executive Director, First Step Home
“GH is a part of our family because of the support they provide. When my child first came to GLAD House, it was very rough in the beginning but it got better with time. They taught my child how to take accountability for their actions. My child would not have friends if it wasn’t for GH. GH has pushed them to do things they never would have before; his communication skills have greatly improved because of the group work and now he can make friends at GH and beyond.” – Parent of Champs Program member
“I like volunteering for this unique organization because I feel we are really having a positive impact. To keep kids from following in the footsteps of parents who abuse drugs…what could be more beneficial?” – David Lindner, founding GLAD House Board Member
“My life was in shambles before GLAD House. It was hard, stressful and crazy. At GLAD House I learned to control my anger. Now I’m a peer mediator at my school because of my involvement with GLAD House.” – Program Member, age 11

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